
The garden has always been aimed at attracting wildlife and it has been interesting watching the changes over the years. We’ve put up several bird boxes and a bat box, but we’ve never seen any of them get more than an inspection. We do have plenty of trees and dense laid hedges.

Snow Birds Galore

Knowing the pros and cons, we decided that feeding birds, especially in winter, was beneficial overall and allowed us to keep an eye on changes. They provide entertainment as well.

I’ve been filming them from the house using an old smart phone and added lenses. I set the camera going, then edit later. When editing, I mainly just select, focus in, slow down or speed up to capture the interest as well as I can. I am just about to rearrange them into groups and this page will have the latest ones on.

See also the Bird Archives here

Small Birds Galore
Bemused Blackbird and two Wrens